Sunday Gratitude – 16.VI.2024

A (belated) Happy Father’s Day to the fathers out there! 🙂

The week has been busy. I’m grateful to have made progress on the big project switching the kids’ rooms, even though I’m not as far as I’d hoped. I’m also thankful, though, because the item I was considering buying this weekend goes on sale later this coming week, and had everything been ready, I probably would have purchased it already.

I’m thankful that everything went well with the dentist, and that the people there are kind and knowledgeable on things.

I’m grateful that the issues with the car didn’t end up costing more than they did. I’m also grateful to have had the time just to sit and work on stuff in the waiting room of the dealer – it sounds weird, but their waiting room is just a really, really nice place. When things ended up taking longer than expected, they gave me a complimentary ride to where I wanted to pick up lunch, and everybody was absolutely lovely.

I’m grateful to have gotten to meet up with old friends, even if it was briefly. The big project with the rooms should help a lot, because each kid should have a bed, closet space, and dresser space. That will help a lot.

I was really excited to hear from somebody I respect a lot, and grateful for the message I received, as it means a lot. We struggle so much in this life, and that whole “bearing each other’s burdens” is one of the only ways of getting through it all.

I’m grateful for the people who make it more possible to anchor myself in faith.

I am grateful our air conditioning isn’t completely dead. I am grateful that somebody else took the beautiful desk that I was planning to take home because as much as I wanted to save it, I don’t have the room for it right now. (Again, when the room swap is complete, then I can start considering things like that.)

I know I say it every week, but I am grateful to all of you for your time here and for the ways you all reach out.

dore canto 31 white rose

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One thought on “Sunday Gratitude – 16.VI.2024

  1. I rarely take my car to the dealer, because I use a humble small scale mechanic for most things, but when I do go to the dealer, I also love their waiting room. The provide coffee, water, lots of light and choice of seating. It’s always nice to have a while to read, or to get a ride home if I need it, which my regular mechanic doesn’t provide.

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