Sunday Gratitude – 26.V.2024

I am extraordinarily grateful that the school year is over. The last weeks were crazy and stressful, and I’m simply tired of all the school runs and everything.

I’m thankful that I was able to get a fair amount of stuff done this past week, despite getting very little done since about halfway through Thursday. There was an event Thursday night, and by the time that was over, I was just done, and I’ve been using this weekend to recover. I hope to be able to pick up the momentum again, but I’m not a robot, and there are just times when I need a break.

Red Rose

I’m thankful that although the one filling I have broke loose (and on the Friday evening of a holiday weekend!), I’m in no pain or real discomfort while I wait until I can call the dentist.

I am grateful for the everyday, and yet not grateful enough for it. I’m thankful that I know good people and get to have good conversation both online and in person. I’m grateful that so many people are patient with me.

My mind is a little bit of mush right now, so please forgive me. Know, though, that I’m grateful for all of you always.

dore canto 31 white rose

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