Before the Dawn

In cold, white light
The ground sparkles
Shards of glass amongst a fallen fluff

Walls and bricks
Stripped of purpose and cohesion
Here stand remnants; empty frames
Neither inhibiting exterior forces
Nor protecting the former interior
Squalls rip, unhindered, through

We find ourselves here
Knowing only dark comfort in hopelessness
The ruins of civilization.

Oh moon, do you know
Your beams, unblemished and indifferent,
Fall also on this wasteland?
Oh, that this entire world
Should better remain
In the darkness of the unredeemed!

Yet - looking up to her, considering
Her silent perfection, beyond reproach,
Her memory of the life that was before
Her faithfulness until the end of time -

In her, a tiny flash of the Eternal
Imprints itself on our weary hearts,
This strange sense
That her illumination is benevolence, not happenstance
A gift given all;
From power to calm the rages,
To inspiration of the sages

A nightly reminder
That we are never so broken
As to make it impossible for us to be loved.

-CStA, 2024

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